Peer review process
Manuscripts received by the editors undergo double-blind reviewing. Reviewers are given manuscripts which contain no reference to the authors' surname(s), and the authors have no access to the identities of the reviewers.
The review is to deal with the following issues:
- Does the article manifest a scientific approach and does it correspond to the profile domain of the publication?
- Do the results presented display verifiable originality?
- How logical is the material in the article?
- Is the usage of terminology accurate?
- Is the list of sources set up correctly?
- Are the conclusions of the article consistent with the content?
Summary of the options regarding articles submitted for the publication:
- an article may be recommended for publication: «without comments», «with minor comments (no further reviewing needed)», «with significant comments (further reviewing needed)»;
- an article may be rejected.
Reviews are verified in accordance with the established patterns in the institution where the reviewer works. With respect to rejected articles, the editorial office sends a substantiated communication of rejection to the author. The text of the unfavourable review is sent to the author by e-mail or by regular mail. An article which has not been recommended by a reviewer for publication shall not be accepted for re-examination. The existence of a favourable review is not in itself sufficient to authorize the publication of the article. The final decision regarding the suitability of printing the article is taken by the editorial board. After the editorial board decides to accept an article for publication, the author is informed of it by the responsible secretary and is given an indication of the estimated publication date. The original reviews are stored in the editorial board and editorial office of the journal.
Publication time frame
- Articles submitted to the editorial board are considered within a period of three months.
- The editorial board has the right to send articles for additional review.
- The editorial board has the right to edit articles in terms of literary features and, if necessary, to carry out scientific edits, the author being informed of such.
- The editorial board reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the requirements or whose subject matter is not deemed relevant for the journal.
- If an article is rejected, the editorial board provides the author with a substantiated summation.
- Authors receive notification with three days of the receipt of the article. Within a month of the article’s registration, the author receives a report about the results of the review.
- The editorial board provides the author with a free copy of the journal containing the published article.
Scientists are involved in reviewing articles
- Oleksiy BESKROVNYI olb*****
- Ihor BELKIN bel*****
- Robert BELYAKOV fra*****
- Yuriy BILETSKY yur*****
- Natalia BAGNYUK bag*****
- Yevgen BELYAK bel*****
- Nataliya BOGATSKA bog*****
- Oleg BORISOV ole*****
- Hennadiy BORTNIK bge*****
- Kateryna BORTNYK kat*****
- Vladislav BUGAYETS vbu*****
- Lesya BULATETSKA tl*****
- Bohdan BULAK bog*****
- Olexandr BUROV bur*****
- Ihor BURCHAK bou*****
- Anastasiya VAVILENKOVA vav*****
- Svyatoslav VASYLETS va*****
- Vitali VERETELNYK ver*****
- Anatoly VLASYUK p*****
- Natalya VOZNA nvo*****
- Viktoria VOITKO dek*****
- Volodymyr VOLKOV vav*****
- Andriy GADAI had*****
- Oleg HERASYMCHUK lut*****
- Olena HLYBKO ele*****
- Lyudmila HLYNCHUK hly*****
- Viktoria HNATUSHENKO vvi*****
- Mykola HOLOVIN nic*****
- Serhiy GOLUB fpk*****
- Petro HORVAT pet*****
- Taras HRYNCHYSHYN gta*****
- Serhiy HRYNYUK ser*****
- Ihor HRYTSAY g*****
- Volodymyr HRYTSIK vol*****
- Tetyana HRYSHANOVYCH hry*****
- Roman HRUDETSKY h *****
- Olena GUMEN gum*****
- Larisa GUMENYUK g*****
- Oleksandr GURKO gur*****
- Lyudmila HUSAK gus *****
- Roman GUSHCHAK rhu*****
- Yevhen DAVIDENKO dav*****
- Valentyna DARMOSYUK dar*****
- Iryna DEBELA iri*****
- Zhanna DEINEKO zha*****
- Victor DENYSYUK d*****
- Ivan DYCHKA kos*****@ukr.netLyubov
- DOBROVOLSKA lso*****
- Oleksandr YENIKEEV o_y*****
- Igor ZHURAVEL izh*****
- Iryna ZHURAVSKA iry*****
- Valentyn ZABLOTSKY z*****
- Tetyana ZABOLOTNYA tet*****
- Anton IVANENKO ant*****
- Olena IVASHCHUK ole*****
- Ihor ILGE ilg*****
- Vitaliy KABAK kab*****
- Olexii KAGANIUK ale*****
- Yakiv KALINOVSKY kal*****
- Inna KALCHUK kal*****
- Oleksandr KARAEV aka*****
- Yuriy KINASH yur*****
- Vasyl KYCHAK vmk*****
- Yaroslav KLYATCHENKO k*****
- Olena KOBA eko*****
- Yaroslav KOVIVCHAK yar*****
- Olena KOVALENKO kop*****
- Yuriy KOVAL k*****
- Galyna KOZAK koz*****
- Natalia KORZH nor*****
- Andriy KOROLYOV and*****
- Ihor KOSTYK iho*****
- Serhiy KOSTYUCHKO sk.*****
- Olena KOSHELIUK kos*****
- Serhiy KRIL ser*****
- Tetyana KRADINOVA rim* ****
- Olha KRIVENKO kri*****
- Boris KRULIKOVSKY b*****
- Vasyl KUZAVKOV nev*****
- Mykola KUZ myk*****
- Olena KUZMINA len*****
- Nataliya KUNANETS nek*****
- Vasyl KUT vas*****
- Leonid KUTSENKO leo*****
- Oleksandr LYNCHUK ale*****
- Valery LISHCHINA lva*****
- Svitlana LAVRENCHUK lav*****
- Viktoria Logvinenko 201*****
- Voladymyr LEBYEDEV leb*****
- Tetyana LEVYTSKA tle*****
- Mykhailo LEPKY lep*****
- Yaroslav LYTVYNENKO d_e*****
- Yaroslav LYTVYNYAK yar*****
- Olena LOBODA len*****
- Serhiy LuNYOV lun*****
- Serhiy LUPENKO lup*****
- Marina MIROSHNYK m*****
- Andriy MISHUTYN mis*****
- Olesya MAKSYMOVYCH ole*****
- Volodymyr MANHORA vma*****
- Oleksandr MARTYNYUK ole*****
- Oleg MASNYAK ole*****
- Yurii MATVIV yur*****
- Oksana MEKUSH mek*****
- Vasyl MELNYK mel*****
- Kateryna MELNYK eka*****
- Yuliya MELNYCHUK jul*****
- Galyna MYRONCHUK g_m*****
- Volodymyr MISHISHYN vol*****
- Roman MOROZOV pro*****
- Vadim MULYAR mvp*****@ukr.netIryna
- NIKOLINA nik*****
- Kateryna OBUKHOVA kat*****
- Lyubov OLESHHENKO ole*****
- Lyudmyla OMELCHUK o*****
- Oleksandr OMELCHUK ome*****@meta.u
- Olena Pyatikop pya*****
- Anatoly PADALKO pad*****
- Voladymyr PASICHNYK vpa*****
- Yaroslav PASTERNAK yar*****
- Andriy PETRASHENKO pet*****
- Yuriy PETRENKO pet*****
- Petro PEH pek*****
- Yuliya POVSTYANA yul*****
- Oleksandr POVSTYANA pov*****
- Mykola POLISHCHUK pol*****
- Serhiy POLETYLO fis*****
- Stanislav PRYSTUPA p*****
- Oleg PRYSHCHEPOV pri*****
- Ihor PROKOPYUK igo*****
- Olga PRONINA pro*****
- Vitali PTASHENCHUK p*****
- Serhiy PUZYRYOV ser*****
- Valeriy PULYAEV pul*****
- Grigoriy RADZIVILOV gri*****
- Kostyantyn RADCHENKO rad*****
- Larisa ROIKO roy*****
- Hanna RUDAKOVA rud*****
- Voladymyr RUDNYTSKY rvn*****
- Victor RUD vik*****
- Olena SIVAKOVSKA siv*****
- Yevgen Sydenko ies*****
- Oleksandr SIMKIN sim*****
- Volodymyr SAVINOV vol*****
- Pavlo SAVARYN sav*****
- Andriy SAMILA and*****
- Andriy SAFONIK p*****
- Yuriy SACHUK yur*****@vnu.edua
- Andriy SVERSTYUK sve*****
- Anatoly SERHIENKO s*****
- Dmytro SOBCHUK sob*****
- Oksana SOBCHUK sob*****
- Andriy SOLOMKO and*****
- Dmytro SOMOV som*****
- Petro STUHLYAK stu*****
- Ihor TEREIKOVSKY ter*****
- Serhii TOLYUPA tol*****
- Bohdana TROYANCHUK tro*****
- Oleksandr TRUNOV tru*****
- Yuriy TURBAL v*****
- Olga FAST ofa*****
- Olga FEDEVYCH olh*****
- Anatoly FEDONYUK fed*****
- Roman FEDORYSHYN rom*****
- Serhii FEDOSOV fed*****
- Oksana FEDUNYK fed*****
- Yuriy KHANAS yur*****
- Volodymyr KHANDETSKY k*****
- Olga KHIMKO olh*****
- Yuri Khloponin k*****
- Maria KHOMYAK pol*****
- Serhii Khrypko ur9*****
- Natalia Khrystynets k*****
- Vitaly TSISARUK vit*****
- Vasyl CHABAN vtc*****
- Ihor CHERNOZUBKIN 4ia*****
- Nataliya CHERNYASHCHUK nch*****
- Viktor CHESHUN che*****
- Yevhen CHICHKARYOV inf*****
- Yuliy SHVETS shv*****
- Olena SHISHATSKA shy*****
- Oleksandr SHCHERBINA 36*****
- Roman YUZEFOVYCH rom*****
- Oleg YANKOVSKY ole*****
- Svitlana YAREMKO svi*****
- Vitaly Yatsenko gsa*****
- Leonid Yashchynskyi y*****